





SRI LANKA   斯里蘭卡  

The famed Italian explorer Marco Polo considered Sri Lanka the finest island of  its size in the word. Sri Lanka is slightly larger than the U.S.state of West Virgina.

Through the years, this exotic island has had many names: Serendib, Ceylon, the Teardrop of India, th pearl of the Indian Ocean, just to name a few.

Many vistors through the years have admired its richness and beauty.

From 1798 until it gained independence from England in 1948. Sri Lankan culture was greatly influenced by the British. Thus, tea is an important part of  Sri Lankan life.

Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka is acclaimed as the best tea in the world, and tea is in production all year round. Although involved in civil war since 1980's, Sri Lanka is an island with may positive things to offer the curious traveler.

義大利知名探險家馬可波羅認為斯里蘭卡是世界上同規模中最棒的島嶼. 斯里蘭卡要比美國西維吉尼亞約大一些.

多年來,這個充滿異國風情的島嶼擁有許多名字 : 西蘭地布、錫蘭印度之淚印度洋之珠,光提這幾個名字就夠了.



斯里蘭卡產的錫蘭茶是世界上公認最好的茶. 一年四季都有生產. 雖然自1980年代以來,斯里蘭卡就陷入內戰,這個島卻有不少好柬西吸引好奇的遊客.


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